Home2012July (Page 7)

July 2012


Mark N. Katz

The United States and other Western countries have been highly critical of Russia for supporting the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. There are, however, some uncomfortable similarities between Russian policy toward Syria and U.S. policy toward Bahrain.

Both Syria and Bahrain are ruled by undemocratic minority regimes. In Syria, the Assad regime is drawn from the country’s Alawite minority — about 12 percent of the population — which has long suppressed the Sunni majority. In Bahrain, the royal family is drawn from the country’s indigenous Sunni minority — about 25 percent of the population — which has long suppressed the Shiite majority.

If you think you are lost after reading this headline, it is because you probably are, unfortunately unnecessarily.  



On Friday June 22, Shimelis Kemal, Ethiopia’s State Minister for the Government Communication Affairs Office, (GCAO), appeared before the local media to give the state’s briefing on current affairs. His appearance marked – hopefully – the end of similar briefings last held almost three years ago when his office inexplicably stopped what was a regular ritual once in every week. Shimelis said this would now continue to be held once in every two weeks.