Home2012September (Page 5)

September 2012




Demeke Mekonnen of ANDM is deputy chairman


The Council of Ethiopia’s ruling party, the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), in its regular meeting held on Sep. 14th and 15th, elected Hailemariam Desalegn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, to become its chairman replacing the late PM Meles Zenawi.

The same meeting also elected Demeke Mekonnen, currently the Minister of Education, as Deputy Chairman of the party in its last day deliberations today  Sep. 15th .

Deputy PM and Minister of Foreign Affairs Hailemariam Desalegn may step into the office of the PM smoothly, but that doesn’t solve Ethiopia’s opaque constitutional provision on succession plans

Kiya Tsegaye

One of the most anxious developments following the mysterious disappearance from the public scene and early rife speculations of the death of Ethiopia’s late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi was the legal complications surrounding his succession plans.


It’s all about size

Tomas Mega



Americans now have real choices about the future direction of the country, and the choices are unkind. Romney’s selection of U.S. Representative and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan as his Vice President sends a blunt message to voters:  Romney cannot only rely on a bad economy to win.  Now, it’s about genuine political ideology too.