Home2012September (Page 7)

September 2012






Seen here second from left, Hailemariam Desalegn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs assured the gathering by pledging the government will be back to business “as of tomorrow.” “I would reassure you that the [ruling] EPRDF and our developmental and democratic state will immediately act to implement all the policies and strategies, including those of the Growth and Transformation Plan,” he said.

          The late primer’s body was laid in a special tribune during the first ever state funeral ceremony in contemporary Ethiopia held at the Meskel Square today. The body was carried by a horse carriage dressed in black. It was then laid into the special tribune

Deputy Prime Minister Hailemariam pledges state will be back to work ‘as of tomorrow”

Tsedale Lemma



As a lengthy national mourning period came to an end today thousands of Ethiopians, more than a dozen African serving and former heads of state, U.S and EU diplomats and leading business people including Bill Gates and Nigeria’s self-made billionaire Aliko Dangote, and other prominent people from around the world gathered at Meskel Square to pay their last respect to the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, who died of a sudden infection from an unspecified illness on August 20th.