Home2012 (Page 12)

October 2012

Currently the real challenge faced by Muslims in Ethiopia is not a U.S.-made amateur video clip but a sore relationship with the government

 Selahadin Eshetu


Many Muslims throughout the world are enraged about a release by few filmmakers in the U.S. of an amateur video clip that they believe insults the Prophet of Islam. Violence has erupted in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Pakistan and Afghanistan as demonstrators ferociously targeted U.S. missions in these countries and elsewhere. Such angers have transcended in to physical conflicts between rioters and the police and have claimed the lives of many in Libya and Pakistan; it also caused the death of four US diplomats including its Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi, Libya.


Alem C.





For the first time in its history, on Sep. 24th 2012, the UN has held a high-level meeting “devoted to the rule of law at the national and international levels,” as one of the side events during the sixty-seventh regular session of the General Assembly that took place in the last week of September 2012.  


Tomas Mega from Las Vegas, Nevada




Forty two years ago, Vice President Spiro Agnew used the phrase “Nattering nabobs of negativism” to describe his view of the American media.  In the final days of this election year, the notorious nabobs are still at it, but they are not the media.  They are the candidates, and their Super Pac financial supporters who have spent countless millions on political attack ads.