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June 2012

In a frantic attempt to contain Islamist extremism in Ethiopia, the government is getting close to shoot itself in the foot

 Selahadin Eshetu Getahun



Mohammed Mustafa (not his real name) is a third year Computer Science student in Ambo University, 114 kms west of the capital Addis Ababa.  Like any ordinary student he was more interested in the pursuit of his education than anything else, least religion, and has never been bothered about being a Muslim. Six months ago Mohammed’s otherwise calm world towards his religion was turned upside down when a group of government officials came to discuss with the University community the state’s concern about “religious extremism”. The three days discussion mainly focused on how to curb the growing trend of Islamist extremism in Ethiopia. Their agenda included proposals to introduce new dressing codes and ban prayers in the University compound, an issue dear to many Muslim students.

Hone Mandefro





It takes little to understand that an educated society is one that transforms itself into higher levels of innovation and productivity. The World Bank in its 2007 quality of education and economic growth report says, “Education can increase the innovative capacity of the economy – knowledge of new technologies, products, and processes.”

Other studies show in many countries individuals’ earning is dependent on their level of education. That may be partially true, but certainly undeniable. 

Dr. Henok Wendirad (DVM)

On 20th – 22nd, June 2012, the UNCSD also known as Rio+20 will take place in Rio de Janeiro.  Rio+20 is a key milestone in a series of major United Nations conferences, in which the 1992 Earth Summit, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, was the pride and joy for its proponents that put sustainable development as a top priority on the agenda of the UN and the international community.

The conference has two themes agreed upon by the member states: Green economy within the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication and Securing Institutional framework for sustainable development.