Home2012 (Page 38)

June 2012

Effective involvement of people in the process of policy and legislative development is in the interest of both the government and the people

 Taye Negussie (Phd)

It is not uncommon to hear people, here in Ethiopia, appreciating how fabulous a given government policy or legislation was, only if, had it been turned into concrete actions. The track record reveals that numerous policies, legislative acts and directives and even some international agreements or protocols being simply shelved and literally unknown to the larger public, or lukewarmly accepted and during implementation twisted to quite different directions.  


Dear editor,

So loved Harar! One of the most special and exotic places on earth! Thanks for your keen observations. I’ve been to many of the earth’s pulse points and this is a big huge one! The women’s colorful clothing alone can compete with Indian women and send you in a head spin with their beauty! Amazing friendly people and culture, living in the ancient and contemporary times all at once! Loved, my time there!

Eva Cherry

Mark N. katz

After Russia joined the rest of the Security Council in condemning Syrian government forces for killing so many people in Houla, hope has arisen in the West that Moscow can now be enlisted to bring about a resolution to the ongoing crisis in Syria in a manner similar to what occurred in Yemen.  As the headline of a May 26 New York Times article put it, the “U.S. Hopes Assad Can Be Eased Out with Russia’s Aid.”  Such expectations, though, are utterly misplaced.  Moscow is neither willing nor able to persuade Syria’s President Assad to step down like Yemen’s President Saleh did at the beginning of 2012.