Home2012 (Page 39)

June 2012

Making justice accessible to the poor in countries like Ethiopia could be a tricky exercise. When the law is what stands on the way, it becomes nearly impossible

Kiya Tsegaye

For the second time in a row Ethiopia observed a week-long activities dedicated to create awareness in the justice system. The motto for this year’s justice week, held from April 18-24, 2012, reads: “We strive for Strengthening the Justice System”.  On April 17, 2012, at a press conference attended by representatives from the Federal Supreme Court, officials from the Ministry of Justice and Federal Police asserted – rightly – that the people should actively participate to make sure strong judicial system is in place. The issue of access to justice was however what dominated the weeklong events.

What will women remember in November?

In this section Addis Standard’s correspondent Tomas Mega from Las Vegas, Nevada, will be following the 2012 Presidential election in the United States of America. 

The battle for the vote of American women is taking shape, and with it the influence that Michelle Obama and Ann Romney have on the electorate.

With husband Mitt not particularly popular with women (the latest polls show women favouring Obama by 57 %), Mrs. Romney will soon be released upon American voters.  Those voters got a sample of what is to come when she skilfully managed a clumsy attack by Democratic consultant Hilary Rosen.   Rosen commented that Ms. Romney had “actually never worked a day in her life.”  Ms. Romney eagerly countered that it was an “early birthday present for someone to be critical of her as a mother.”

Dr. Henok Wendirad (DVM) 

On Friday, 11 March 2011 the Japanese coastal city of Tohoku was hit by an earthquake of a 9.0 magnitude with the epicenter approximately 70kms east of the Osheka peninsula of Tohoku.

It was the most powerful known earthquake ever to have hit Japan and one of the five most powerful earthquakes in the world since modern record keeping began in 1900.