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May 2012

Putting issues that matter most under the radar

Once again, World Economic Forum will discuss on agendas larger than the continent Africa is now   

Hone Mandefro

After successfully hosting the 16th edition of ICASA, Addis Ababa will be hosting the World Economic Forum for Africa from May 9 – 11, 2012. The forum is scheduled to convene on a number of critical issues for Africa with a theme of “Shaping Africa’s Transformation”. Giant issues such as Africa’s innovators, advancing Africa’s trade agenda, fostering political stability, and transforming Africa’s agriculture, and many more are set to be thrashed out by leading economists, business people and policy makers from all over the world. 

A just world takes more than a mere change of “economic design” and “paradigm shift” on how to do economic business

 Taye Negussie (Phd)

The recently released report by the United Nations Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability titled ‘Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing’ has set forth a vision of a “sustainable planet, just society, and growing economy”. In the view of the Panel’s Report, the road to attain a genuine sustainable global development – an initiative of its predecessor, the 1987 Brundtland Report, now largely deemed a failure – comes through working out a “radical redesign” of the global economy and promoting a “paradigm shift” on economic views.

In the wake of a complex civil war like the one that ravaged Darfur, it is easy to lose hope of a return to normalcy. But the odds of claiming a peaceful Darfur never looked promising, says our managing editor Tsedale Lemma

Ed’s note: This story was first published in  March 2012 edition of Addis Standard magazine

If the UN and the African Union Commission (AUC) were places where there is, from time to time, a race to win a prize for holding a job description that is complicated and delicate at the same time, the one person to qualify would be Nigeria’s finest international diplomat Ibrahim Gambari, the Special Representative, since 2010, for the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID).