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November 2012

Bad governance is an equal sharing of misery.” –Shiv Khera

 Taye Negussie(PHD)

Too often, oppressors in unjust, repressive, unaccountable and undemocratic governance systems seem to be trapped in a mental delusion that they would gain at the expense of the oppressed. This is a gross misconception since the very act of dehumanizing a fellow human being necessarily entails the robbing of humanity both from the oppressors as well as the oppressed. Generally speaking, an oppressive social system is an all-loosing game where no one would stand to gain. A telling example for the final fate of an oppressive system would be the current on-going civil war ravaging almost all the Syrian people indiscriminately.

Regrettably, natural resource gifted continent in the world is also home to a staggering level of poverty and corruption

Alem C. 

It is a widely held belief both by economists and policy makers that extractive resources worldwide have dictated to a wider extent economic policies and outcomes of countries endowed by them. According to a 2002 World Bank report on mining in developing countries, extractive resources are the decisive economic factors to almost half of the world’s population.