Home2013March (Page 8)

March 2013

 Dear Editor,

Your story on Kaizen in Ethiopia (Kaizen and revolutionary principle – a marriage of opposing world views? Jan. 2013) has dealt with some of the most confusing aspects of the two in Ethiopian context. Well done. But with your permission, I would like to add a few more points to show how the Ethiopia of today and kaizen will stay water and oil until after the former, as a nation, summons its courage to deal with its ill-fitted uniqueness both socially, economically and politically.  Socially, it is the culture of the strong man completely obsessed with self-righteousness; economically, it is the culture of the owner-knows-all and knows- better attitude; and politically it is the culture of inflexibility and intolerance. Nothing of the philosophy of kaizen looks remotely similar to our uniqueness as a nation.  Thank you for bringing the issue forward.

 Dr. Alemayehu Refera

Addis Ababa

With all its evasions during the preparations, Ethiopia’s review by the APRM has so much to be taken to heart 

Tsedale Lemma


The establishment in 2003 by the African Union (AU) of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) has received a mixed reaction by critics and supporters alike of the continent Africa in general and the AU in particular. Pretty much styled after the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD’s) peer review methodology, APRM’s proponents, including the AU, insist it is “a bold, unique and innovative approach designed and implemented by Africans for Africa.”