Home2013 (Page 12)

November 2013

Some 150 high-level individuals will meet in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, at the Sheraton Addis on Dec. 2nd– 3rd for The African High-Growth Markets Summit that “will focus on how to prosper from the remarkable growth of a selection of African economies and subsequent enlargement of their consumer classes,” organizers said. The summit is aimed at examining “the latest trends in governance, society, economic and policy growth for this important continent.”

 Zela Gayle

After two and a half years of rehearsals and practice, ‘Yegna’ is a hit on the musical and theatrical scenes in Addis Ababa. The formation of such a band with a purpose of librating young girls is a unique phenomenon. ‘Girl Hub Ethiopia’ concocted the idea of forming a girls’ band, which challenges taboos and other societal impositions through acting and singing. The initiative is now managed by ‘Yegna Bet’, (our house), a consortium made up of Emerge, Mango Productions Ltd and Deloitte consulting.

Why has Moscow backed the Assad regime in Syria so strongly?

Mark N. Katz

More than anything else, this appears to be the result of Russian President Putin’s conviction that this is the right thing to do—both in foreign policy terms and in Russian domestic political terms.

Putin has devoted considerable energy into reasserting Russia’s role as a great power, which declined markedly under Gorbachev and Yeltsin.