Home2013 (Page 15)

November 2013

Tesfaye Ejigu

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is exerting efforts to receive and rehabilitate Ethiopian migrant workers returning from Saudi Arabia, Ambassador Dina Mufti, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), said.  So far a total of 4, 97 1- 3,723 male and 976 female – Ethiopians have returned. Of the total 272 are children.

Tesfaye Ejigu

 The security council of the United Nations voted against the African Union’s proposal to delay the impeachment for a year of Kenya’s president Uhuru Kenyata and deputy president William Rutto. Only Seven votes came in favor of the proposal from the 15 council members. The Africans run short of two votes to have the case postponed.  Britain, France and the USA- all members and supporters of the ICC, abstained from voting.