Home2013 (Page 17)

November 2013

The government of Ethiopia announced a start-up budget to help thousands of Ethiopian illegal migrant workers returning home from Saudi Arabia.

Two Ethiopian officials twitted the decision. Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister Dr. Tedros Adnahom, active on twitter, twitted this morning that the government “allocated 50mln Birr startup budget [for] returnees’ evacuation & rehabilitation from Saudi.” Zenebu Tadesse, minister of Women, Children and Youth Affairs on her part twitted, “In important Cabinet meeting now. We decided to spend 2 million EUR for rehabilitation of returnees from Saudi.” Dr. Tedros added more funds will follow soon.

The U.S. Government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), signed a partnership agreement on November 13to improve urban emergency preparedness and response in Addis Ababa. USAID will provide technical assistance to the city government of Addis Ababa that will make a significant difference in minimizing the effects of a disaster, including saving lives, protecting property, and helping the city recover more quickly from a disaster.

Both projects were developed by the AfDB and the three regional economic communities (RECs): EAC, COMESA and SADC.


A delegation from the African Development Bank led by Moono Mupotola, Division Manager, Regional Integration and Trade (ONRI), and Freddie Kwesiga, Resident Representative in Zambia, and comprised of Zambia Country Office, ONRI and Southern Africa Regional Resource Centre officials participated in the inauguration of two Bank-financed trade-related projects, namely: the Tripartite Capacity Building Programme (TCBP) and the COMESA Trading for Peace Project.