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November 2013

Our Art and Entertainment Editor Zela Gayle shares with us the life of  Aron Mitu, an Ethiopian born dancer, model and actress with an ambition to close the gap between her culture and an all European environment

Aron Mitu remembers feeling sad and confused upon leaving Ethiopia when she was just ten years old. Growing up in Slovakia where her parents migrated for work and study, little Aron was forced to accept her importance as the only Ethiopian in her school. There she realized how fortunate she was to have spent the first ten years of her life in Ethiopia, the country of her Birth, because everywhere she went people stared; classes were often disrupted because pupils could only concentrate on detecting her difference. Later on this was to set a pattern of visibility for Aron as she rejected her parent’s desires for her future as an academic and went on fulfilling her inner dreams of becoming a professional dancer & choreographer.

Hardcore economists believe the mystique power of the ‘invisible hand’ in the market, first conceived by Adam Smith, essentially creates a self-equilibrating market. But our columnist Taye Negussie (PhD) argues such characterization of the market, particularly when it comes to utilization and preservation of natural resources, misses the subtlety of the actual market exchange processes  

Russia’s current leaders may believe that public opinion—whether in Russia, the Middle East, or anywhere else—is unimportant and can be ignored, but over time it may prove a serious constraint on Moscow’s efforts to protect unpopular authoritarian regimes such as the one in Syria

Mark N. Katz

In the latter part of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, the Russian-backed Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad appeared increasingly vulnerable and likely to fall to a domestic insurgency. Yet Moscow continued to supply it with arms and shield it from Western- and Arab-backed sanctions in the United Nations Security Council.