Home2013 (Page 24)

October 2013

The history of manufacturing in Ethiopia dates back to the 1920s,but being prone to various challenges means its progress has been muted, says our special contributor Alem C. But now Ethiopia has established a National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council lead by Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn and tasked to help jumpstart the nation’s lurching manufacturing sector 

It is a yearly habit for Ethiopia’s Central Statistical Agency (CSA) to show the enduring pain the nation’s manufacturing sector, around since the ‘20s, goes through. Regular surveys by the CSA show almost 50% companies engaged in manufacturing sector in Ethiopia suffer from low productivity – as low as 34% on average – for reasons mostly related to poor quality and insufficient raw materials supply from the domestic market. This in turn has made manufacturing in Ethiopia the most expensive sector of all. During the year 2009/10, leading manufacturing industries in Ethiopia spent approximately $526 million on imported raw materials. The country had paid nearly $2 billion in 2010/11 to import heavy machineries and industrial equipments, according the CSA.  

Anthony H. Cordesman

Far too much of the analysis of Iran’s search for nuclear weapons treats it in terms of arms control or focuses on the potential threat to Israel. In reality, Iran’s mix of asymmetric warfare, conventional warfare, and conventionally armed missile forces have critical weaknesses that make Iran anything but the hegemon of the Gulf. Iran’s public focus on Israel also disguises the reality that its primary strategic focus is to deter and intimidate its Gulf neighbors and the United States – not Israel.

There is little that horrifies a good ‘Planet No’ Republican more than an immense, expensive government program that Americans feel is benefiting them, says our U.S. Correspondent Tomas Mega.

Observers of Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner know well that he is prone to crying in public.  It’s understandable.   Boehner has a large family of 234 Republicans in the House of Representatives, and about forty of his youngest are giving “Dad” a very hard time.  Not getting their way, they resort to pitching constant tantrums, acting like kids who want to stay up all night with video games, the I-phone, hungrily gulping down junk food, and totally ignoring his counsel. Under such circumstances, any parent would throw their hands up in despair.  Boehner’s Washington family, especially the adolescents, are reckless, unruly, undisciplined and have shown a penchant to scream until their faces are as red as the Republican districts they represent.  Dad has no control over the kids who hate everything that doesn’t fit their way of thinking, including the law.