Home2013 (Page 37)

August 2013

In many ways, a year after the departure of its maker today’s Ethiopia has certainly become harder to describe. But that is not necessarily bad in itself. Tsedale Lemma “The departure of a despot does not necessarily mark the birth of a democratic nation,” says a

The Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) is a document by the government of Ethiopia highlighting an all-encompassing vision of an Ethiopa that rises to join the rank of the world’s middle income countries over the next 15-20 years and a commitment to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Within that context the government has made a good progress in expanding access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities and hygiene initiatives in recent years.

Emnet Assefa

The striving hotel industry in the capital Addis Ababa added an additional four star hotel, Saro-Maria Hotel, which was officially opened on July 30, 2013 even though it started providing services in May during the 50th founding anniversary of the Organization of the African Union and the African Union (OAU/AU).