Home2013 (Page 39)

August 2013

Taye Negussie (PhD)

Despite its renowned long-history as a state, unfortunately Ethiopia has so far never been able to see any semblance of a democratic regime. All the hitherto reigning regimes have been bluntly autocratic varying only in their ideological discourses; though, now authoritarianism is in its worst state as the current government combines it with the perilous ideology of ethnocentrism.

The Ethiopian federal police said on Friday that they have uncovered explosive devices planted inside, Addis Ababa Bole International Airport, averting a major tragedy.

Two explosives were found around the departure terminal of the country’s largest airport targeting the hundreds of passengers waiting to fly.

The incident created panic among passengers and caused a delay in flights until bomb disposal experts were able to dismantle the devices, which are believed to have been home made, and cleared the rest of the area for other explosive devices.

Dear Editor,
When talking of the Nile-Ethiopia-Egypt axis, trust doesn’t come as a handy word as it was never there and will never be (In the absence of trust…Addis Standard July 2013). Since time immemorial Egypt has been working hard and continued to do so that riparian countries of the Nile never trust each other. While I enjoyed reading your fresh perspective on this very issue, I have my serious doubts that there was any intension by the Nile riparian states to truly establish what they were good at in rhetoric: “One Nile, One Basin, with One Vision.” And alleviating “poverty, environmental degradation and instability in the Nile Basin” never surpassed individual greed and mistrust among the Nile states. Now, at last Ethiopia is sitting on the steering wheel and, according to your report, PM Hailemariam Desalegn has made “a cool headed reference to the NBI.” If Egypt is not bent on, again, ruining its chance of using the Nile water, it should take a good note of the gesture before it truly is too late.

Yidenekew Merera
Addis Ababa University