Home2013 (Page 44)

August 2013

Fifty thousand Latinos turn 18 every month in the U.S. and become eligible to vote. Alas, it’s an arithmetic that doesn’t add up for House Republicans

Tomas Mega, U.S. correspondent, Nevada 

Republican U. S. Congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama has a pointed message for establishment minded Republicans who believe their party needs to be more inclusive.  On immigration reform, including a path to citizenship for most the country’s 11 to 12 million unauthorized immigrants, Brooks’ message is this:  “Anyone who has come to our country, and their first step on American soil is to thumb their nose at American laws, we should not award them with our highest honour, which is citizenship.”  In June, House Republicans backed up Brooks’ statement by targeting the justifiably named DREAMers voting to de-fund President Obama’s executive order to defer their deportation.

Hallelujah Lulie, Special to Addis Standard

It was a coup; a military coup. Though it started as a popular uprising and millions rallied against the Muslim Brotherhood and its democratically elected president Mohammed Morsi, at the end the saga ended with the unconstitutional and shortsighted intervention by Egypt’s mighty army. It was true that the Tamarod movement, which stands for ‘rebellion’ in Arabic, was a grassroots movement voicing legitimate demands of the public through constitutional means.