Home2013 (Page 79)

March 2013

Dear Editor,

I enjoyed reading your front page story of last month, and reading the one paragraph in the middle of the article was what summed up my grasp of the issue all together. “…Ethiopia has chosen the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi’s office as the focal point for APRM activities and appointed Neway Gebrebab, special advisor to the PM, as the APRM National Focal Point for Ethiopia.  Subsequently Ethiopia has also formed a 23-memebr National Governing Council (NGC) led by Teffera Waluwa, the then Minister of Capacity Building…” (A call too close to disregard, Feb. 2013). It doesn’t add up that a country whose progress in democracy and political governance under evaluation assigns government elites to lead the process and produce a report. It matters less that individuals from other countries were assigned; they were mere cover ups.

 Kumlachew Alemu

Mekelle University 

Everyone knows the presence of domestic abuse against women in Ethiopia; unfortunately no one knows how bad it is.

Emnet Assefa


Every year countries around the world host more than 1000 events related to the March 8th International Women’s Day. Women’s rights advocate groups, schools, hospitals, banks, charities and individuals all have something to say or do to honor the day women celebrate their political, economical and social achievements. But every year, the day comes and goes by only to be followed by the next abuse against millions of women in many parts of the world.      

A Liberal President is making being a Liberal tougher than any other President in the history of America  

Tomas Mega, U.S. correspondent     


In October 2007, then U.S. Senator Barack Obama stated, “We must do whatever it takes to track down and capture or kill terrorists, but torture is not part of the answer.”  Obama was referring to the notorious interrogation technique of ‘waterboarding,’ which we now know the Bush Administration utilised.