Home2013 (Page 82)

March 2013

Eyob Balcha, Special to Addis Standard (@EyobBalcha)

The “Developmental State” discourse is one of the most recurrent topics of discussion among the leading actors and decision makers of contemporary Africa. It is no wonder that the topic assumed a center position in the agenda of most meetings given solving the developmental quagmire of Africa has been one of the primary task among many.

An energetic band’s stopover in Addis Ababa thrilled audiences at Goethe Institute

Zela Gayle

The 10th Sauti za Busara (Sounds of Wisdom) Music Festival, Zanzibar’s favorite annual music festival, held between the 14th-17th of Feb 2013 may be a memorable event for those who had the chance to enjoy it, but a part of it has also thrilled those who encounter the Burkina Electric band, which has a stopover open air concert in Addis Ababa shortly before flying to Zanzibar and has given its debut performance at the Addis Ababa Goethe-Institute, the German cultural center in Ethiopia.