Home2013 (Page 86)

February 2013


Since the birth of the AU, Africa has seen a dramatic decline in coup d’état, once its landmark. But the journey to a coup d’état freecontinent is not finished yet 

Kiya Tsegaye

Between the Egyptian revolution in 1952 and 1998, there were 85 violent or unconstitutional changes in government, 78 of which took place between 1961 to 1997, according to Van der Linde M., who wrote ‘Emerging Electoral Trends in the Light of Recent African Elections’. This is due to the OAU’s consideration that these acts were essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of its member States.

“The measure of life, after all, is not its duration but its donation” Corrie Ten Born

Taye Negussie (PhD)

Since time immemorial those relatively fair-minded and more prudent states have actively sought ideas, opinions and advices from those widely regarded by the society as men of wisdom, knowledge and insights to pass judicious decisions on weighty matters. 

America had been through a gruesome civil war and had paiddearly to keep itself intact. That precious scarifies is nowunder nerve-racking threat


Tomas Mega, U.S. correspondent     

A curious thing happened after the November 6 re-election of Barack Obama.  By November 14, residents in all 50 states had filed “We the People” petitions calling for the Federal Government to allow states to secede peacefully from the Union.  In Texas over 125,000 signatures were secured on their petition to secede, more than any other state.  One state Republican official called for Texas to have an ‘amicable divorce’ from the United States.  “Why should Vermont and Texas live under the same government?” wrote Peter Morrison, treasurer of the Hardin Country Republican party. “Let each go her own way.”