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February 2013

It’s been a little over a year since Radisson Blu first went operational in Addis Ababa. Now it has its second general manager as of Dec. 2012

Alem C.

The Radisson Blu Hotel in Addis Ababa has opened its doors in January 2012 just in time for the AU heads of state and governments summit. In one year’s time, the Hotel has its second general manager who took over the position in mid December 2012.

Ten years after NEPAD’s creation, no one seems to clearly say what exactly it has achieved so far. It is now high time the AU steps up its efforts in setting NEPAD’S mandate clear 

 Tesfalem Waldyes, Special to Addis Standard

When African Heads of State and governments come together for their twice-a-year rituals (one of it always in Addis Ababa, the headquarters of the African Union Commission – AUC) they bring in with them continental list of affairs for discussions: from regional cooperation to security – usually at presidential levels – to institutional initiatives by presidential advisors, diplomats and other high level delegates from around the world. The breakfasts, the lunches and dinners during such summits are not the usual meals – they are accompanies to the working presidents; and frequent side-line talks – formally round the table and informally over a cigarette and coffee in a corridor – between high level delegates are awash. In the past informal and side-line events like this have given birth to some exciting initiatives within the continent. A few of these initiatives have quickly disappeared while some have become success stories; still a few others have lingered around with no one able to define what exactly they are around for.  The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) is one to reckon in the last category.