Home2013 (Page 95)

January 2013

Emnet Assefa

Addis Ababa- Ministry of communications and Information Technology announced here today it will commence a one-window electronic billing system as of Feb. 2013. The service called ‘Lehulu’ (loosely translated ‘for all’) will enable customers to make their electric, water and landline telephone bill payments at a single paying centre.  

Africa has shown an impressive decline in child mortality rates, but still loses a million children a year

Emnet Assefa

African Leadership for Child Survival, an initiative to reduce child mortality rate in the continent, has opened its continental conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, this morning at the African Union Commission (AUC). The conference that will last for the next three days is being attended by health ministers of African countries, international organizations as well as non- governmental organizations.

Dear Editor,

The article on the poor quality of service in Addis is right on. (Inside Ethiopia’s service providing sector, Dec. 2012).  As an expat recently arrived here I went to a local restaurant. After waiting for 15 minutes while the service staff ignored me I left.  Finally I figured out what to do. When you go into a restaurant go immediately to the counter where they keep the menus. Pick up a menu, decide what you want and find a waitperson. Tell that person what you want and where you will sit. Go sit down and about 15-20 minutes later your food will arrive. Not all in one piece, but little by little and may be without a napkin or eating utensil.  Finally when it comes time to leave there will not be a check. Go to the cashier and tell her what you ordered. Be sure to pay the exact amount as change might not be available.