Home2013 (Page 97)

January 2013

Ashenafi Zedebub

As research papers indicated, cardiovascular disease became the single largest cause of death in the year 2004 when it was estimated that it had caused some 17 million deaths in our world. Sadly enough, the figure will continue to grow.
Countries of low- and middle- income class are said to be seeing an alarming and accelerating increase in rates of cardiovascular disease. According to a study made in the United States, the said disease causes most deaths in all developing regions, with the exception of Sub-Saharan Africa; in this part of the world cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in persons over 45 years of age. As regards the younger ones in Sub-Saharan Africa, HIV, AIDS, malaria and lower respiratory tact infections continue to be the leading cause.

Dealing with one of Africa’s cancerous rebel army should involve smart military and diplomatic tactics

Hallelujah Lulie, Special to Addis Standard


In a recent speech, General Carter F. Ham, head of the US Africa Command (AFRICOM) said that the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a rebel group known for its brutal attacks against civilians in east and central African region, is a proof that the devil exists. The group, which over the past two decades killed, maimed, raped, abducted and displaced hundreds of thousands civilians is indeed an embodiment of evil and the fight to eradicate it has proved to be as difficult as exorcism.

Prime Minister Haileariam Desalegn has now three deputy prime ministers, against the law of the land

Kiya Tsegaye

A long awaited cabinet reshuffle by Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn came to a surprising end on Nov. 29th last year when the Prime Minister gave his list of new cabinet members for approval to the ruling party dominated House of People’s Representatives.