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March 2014

Almost four years after the world met the global target set in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for safe drinking water, and after the UN General Assembly declared that water was a human right, over three-quarters of a billion people, most of them poor, still do not have this basic necessity, UNICEF said to commemorate World Water Day.

Estimates from UNICEF and WHO published in 2013 are that a staggering 768 millionpeople do not have access to safe drinking water, causing hundreds of thousands of children to sicken and die each year. Most of the people without access are poor and live in remote rural areas or urban slums.

The Chinese train manufacturer, CNR Corporation Limited, has signed an agreement with the Ethiopian government to provide 41 engines for use on the Addis Ababa light railway now under construction, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.  The engines will be custom-made for use in Addis Ababa. “They will be able to travel at a maximum of 70 kilometers per hour and will be constructed to ensure they [are] sunlight-resistant with using special components for their glass, rubber, paint and cables.”