Home2014December (Page 11)

December 2014

Addis Abeba – Meta Abo Brewery S.C., a Diageo company, announced last week that it will source 100% of all cereal raw material needs in Ethiopia locally in time for Meta’s 50th Anniversary, by the end of 2017. This local sourcing strategy will serve as a commitment across the entire Meta business and will not be limited to specific products or brands.

Addis Abeba – The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), in collaboration with the Africa Union Commission (AUC) and the African Development bank (AfDB) will organize the inaugural meeting of the Joint Session of the Committee of Director Generals of the National Statistics Offices (CoDG) and the Statistical Commission for Africa (StatCom-Africa), from 8-12 December, 2014, in Tunis, Tunisia.

Akwe Amosu and Muhammed Mustapha Lecky
By Akwe Amosu and Muhammed Mustapha Lecky

Abuja – When the World Health Organization declared that Nigeria had successfully eradicated the Ebola virus within its borders, there was loud global applause. Amid the cheers, however, few noticed a potentially even greater health milestone for Africa’s most populous country: the enactment of a new National Health Bill, which now awaits President Goodluck Jonathan’s signature.