Home2015February (Page 6)

February 2015


By Barak Barfi

Sana’a – Yemen is no stranger to crisis. Exposed to a regional proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, plagued by an entrenched Al Qaeda affiliate, and divided by tribal disputes and a secession movement, the country has become a poster child for everything that can go wrong in the Arab world.

Yemen has demonstrated remarkable resiliency in the past. To ensure that the recent overthrow of its government by the Shia Houthi rebel movement does not deal Yemen the lethal blow that it has avoided so far, the international community must not abandon the country in what may be its hour of greatest need.

Yemen is notoriously unpredictable; but the only thing that is certain is that its internal conflicts are not likely to end any time soon

Mark N. Katz,  Special to Addis Standard


The 17th Century English political philosopher, Thomas Hobbes, posited that the primordial “state of nature” without government is characterized by bellum omnium contra omnes, or the “war of all against all.” With the recent resignation of Yemeni President Abdurabuh Mansur Hadi and his prime minister, Yemen appears to be descending into just such a conflict. The collapse of the Hadi government, though, is not so much the cause of the increasing conflict in Yemen as it is the result of it.