Home2015March (Page 4)

March 2015

Mahlet Fasil


Egypt’s visiting President El-Sisi met with Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn this morning at the national jubilee palace. Following the closed door meeting the two leaders met the press and said they have discussed bilateral issues, such as focusing on boosting trade and investment ties between the two countries and security.

Panels of African heads of state, eminent African personalities, academics, and policy makers are expected to debate African secularism and faith-branded security threats when the 4th Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa takes place on the 18th and 19th April 2015 in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, the capital of the Amhara regional state, 578 kms North of Addis Abeba.


US$21.5m in long-term benefits for Kenyan citizens, farmers and businesses

Nairobi – The Kenya government, businesses, conservation groups and utilities launched Africa’s first Water Fund today. The Fund is designed to provide a sustained water supply to a system that delivers water to over 9.3 million people and to generate US$21.5 million in long term benefits to Kenyan citizens including farmers and businesses. This landmark initiative will cut costs for hydropower and clean water while addressing water flow and soil erosion issues in the Upper Tana River basin. The Nairobi Water Fund will expand on a successful, global Water Fund model – bringing public-private partnership and innovative financing for watershed conservation into Africa, where water is one of the most valuable and scarce resources. This is especially timely as people across the globe celebrate World Water Day and are looking for innovative solutions to meet our water needs.