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March 2015



Tuesday May 10, 2011was the day when Diriba Kuma, Ethiopia’s then minister of transport, told the public that Ethiopia had prepared a ten-year “national traffic safety strategic action plan,” for the years from 2012 – 2022. His announcement didn’t come out of the blue. In March 2010, the UN general assembly had recognized and discussed a topic long overdue, and was initiated by Russia: “The tremendous global burden of fatalities resulting from road crashes.” Following the usual discussions on the floor, the general assembly asked all member states to dedicate the period from 2011 – 2020 as “the Decade of Action for Road Safety” and work for it. It was aimed primarily at “stabilizing and eventually reducing” the unacceptably high number of causalities caused by motor vehicle accidents in countries all over the world.

Eyob Aselefech Balcha, Special to Addis Standard

Nearly half a century had passed since the Ethiopian Students’ Movement (ESM) rocked the country with the most critical questions of the time: “the Land Question” and “the National Question”. It also levelled the ground for thousands of young people of that generation to get involved in the national politics, pre and post revolution Ethiopia. But what is the lasting legacy of the ESM in present day Ethiopia particularly in shaping the nature of youth political engagement?