Home2015September (Page 3)

September 2015

A young, upcoming author tackles Ethiopia’s old, foreboding myth on the skin color dark


Mahlet Fasil

The title story in Hiwot Emishaw’s enjoyable first collection of essays and short stories, Baricho, muses on a subject that is far less common in discussions amongst Ethiopians than it is in actuality: the power of skin color tones over our sociological and psychological makeup.


Police in Serenje have intercepted a truck carrying 100 prohibited immigrants of Ethiopian origin, who were hidden behind bags of dry lake sardines locally known as kapenta.




The truck, which was seized at Kanona police check point on Great North Road in Central Province, was, from Nakonde to an unknown destination within Zambia. Police suspect the Ethiopians entered the country through Nakonde border and were assisted by Zambians who were paid to commit the illegality. “I can confirm that we intercepted a truck carrying 100 prohibited immigrants from Ethiopia.