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January 2016

#OromoProtests Special coverage


Endalk Chala

It is important to situate the recent Oromo students’ protest within the historical context of students’ dissent in Ethiopia. The wave of protest that swept through Oromiya, Ethiopia’s biggest and populous regional state, bears a striking resemblance to the 1960s Ethiopian students’ protest, which culminated into the 1974 revolution that brought down Africa’s last standing Emperor, Haile Sellasie I. It was a revolution that changed Ethiopia’s land tenure system for good.


Ambassador Greg Dorey has just finished a four year term as the UK’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and Djibouti, his second ambassadorial posting after Hungary. While in Ethiopia Ambassador Dorey was also his country’s envoy to the African Union (AU) and to the United Nation Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). A few days before his departure to the UK, Ambassador Dorey sat down with Addis Standard’s Editor-in-Chief Tsedale Lemma for his last interview. Below is the excerpt from the interview that touched on topics ranging from Ambassador Dorey’s effort in implementing the UK’s statecraft, to his reflections on Ethiopia’s record on human right and rule of law issues, to his personal engagement with Ethiopian tweeps, among others.

#OromoProtests Special coverage


J. Bonsa, PhD
The most commonly held rallying cry of the ongoing Oromo protestin Ethiopia is “Say No to the Master Plan!” There is a consensus among the protesters and the general public that the “Master Plan”, named by some campaigners as the “Master Killer”, has just served as a focal point that ignited the widespread discontent in a range of social, political and economic lives of the Oromo who finally went out en masse to express their outrage.