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November 2016

Trump loyalists said the media focused on interpreting Mr. Trumps’ toxic rhetoric too literally rather than taking him seriously.  Despite polling data that indicated a Clinton victory, voters agreed and seem to have taken Mr. Trump seriously and not literally.  America now has its’ strongman and the world is anxiously waiting to see if Mr. Trump will be presidential or a presidential strongman, writes Tomas Mega, our US correspondent                                                                                             

Addis Abeba Nov. 16/ 2016 – In a rare and unexpected decision, the federal high court 18th criminal bench has today overruled prosecutors’ request for closed hearing of witnesses in the case involving senior opposition party members Bekele Gerba and Dejene Fita Geleta, first secretary general and secretary general of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC). Accordingly, the court has decided to preside over all the judicial matters related to the case, under the file name of Gurmesa Ayano, in open court.