Home2016 (Page 16)

September 2016

By Zecharias Zelalem, special to Addis Standard

On Saturday, September 3rd 2016, something sinister, ghastly, premeditated and honestly speaking somewhat poorly calculated, transpired in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Abeba. The tragedy in question has, for the most part, managed to avoid the sort of outcry and global condemnation these incidents tend to get when the actors involved are from nations not allied with the United States and its NATO affiliates in their “war on terror.” It has been more than two weeks, and already we are faced with subliminal calls from the conceited to pretend it didn’t happen.


By David Thompson

Olympic silver medalist Feyisa Lilesa took complete control of the conversation surrounding his outstanding performance in Rio. Typically, conversations after an Olympic event circle around the standard, “What were you thinking during the last mile?” or opportunities to talk of one’s own achievements. Feyisa completed the incredible feat of finishing a marathon in 2:09:54, yet, he brought light to a more serious issue: Ethiopia’s killing and marginalization of the Oromo population.

News of Ethiopians wrongly locked up behind the country’s notorious jails has long become a routine feed for the nation. And the impact of this repeated, gross miscarriage of justice carried out by none other than the country’s law and order institutions has led to a chilling outcome that many Ethiopians are today displaying an extraordinary level of indifference to the issue.

That should alarm us as a nation.