Home2018September (Page 5)

September 2018

Belachew Mekuria (PhD), Commissioner of Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC), has resigned from his position effective yesterday September 11. Belachew was appointed to the position by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in April this year during a reshuffle that saw Fitsum Aregaa, now PM Abiy's chief of

Having acquired his PhD in economics from the New School for Social Research, in New York City, Berhanu Nega is an accomplished economist and author of a book 'Yenetsanet Goh Siked' ("The Dawn of Freedom"), which he wrote while serving time in prison as a

  Addis Abeba, Sep. 06/2018 - Following a Tripartite Summit between PM Abiy Ahmed, President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, and President Isaias Awerki, the leaders of Ethiopia, the Republic of Somalia and Eritrea, respectively, which took place yesterday in Eritrea's capital Asmara, the trio issued a four