Home2018December (Page 7)

December 2018

  Yared Tsegaye Addis Abeba, December 05/2018 - In the wake of the first ever face-to-face meeting between Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and leaders of 81 opposition parties currently in Ethiopia, opposition party members of the now defunct Political Parties Negotiation Forum told Addis Standard that Prime

A recent picture of Addis Abeba taken by Henok Assefa of Precise consult International shows the visible marks of air pollution  Ambachew F. Admassie, for Addis Standard Part 1 Addis Abeba, December 04/2018 - Sustainable Development practitioners believe our well-being cannot be ensured without a balanced interplay &

 Brita Wagener (center), Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Ethiopia, on her part stated that the results show that "Ethiopia has great potential for business." Addis Abeba, December 04/2018 -Results of the First Business Outlook Survey which involved 39 German companies operating in