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April 2018

  From left, journalist Zelalem Workagegnehu, blogger and rights activist Mahlet Fatahun and blogger/journalist/rights activist Befeqadu Hailu as pictured next to the police station where the eleven of them were detained for eleven days    Befeqadu Hailu, for Addis Standard Addis Abeba, April 09/2018 - Have you ever

Etenesh Abera Addis Abeba, April 04/2018 - Despite signing on papers offering promises of individual bail on Monday, eleven individuals detained on March 25 remained in jail, families said. The eleven individuals, including journalists Temesgen Desalegn and Eskendir Nega, were rearrested on Sunday March 25 during a

  In his acceptance speech, Ethiopia's newly appointed Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed spoke everything Ethiopians in and outside the country were eagerly waiting to hear: A desperately needed message of unity among the politically fractured and polarized Ethiopians; a speech that began by paying tribute