Home2021 (Page 152)

May 2021

"there was malnutrition rate of 26.6% and more than 6% of children had severe acute malnutrition." MSF. Photo: MSF Addis Abeba, May 06/2021 – The Foreign and Development Ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) and the High Representative of the European Union called

The late Commissioner Abere Adamu Addis Abeba, May 04/2021 - The opposition party National Movement of Amhara (NaMA) has issued a statement expressing its condolences on the passing of former Amhara region police commissioner Abere Adamu and cautioned cautioned authorities “to investigate and make public”

Observer badges. Photo: NEBE Addis Abeba, May 04/2021 - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia said in a statement that “Ethiopia has learnt with disappointment” the EU's decision to cancel its planned election observation mission to Ethiopia. The Ministry further said that "it