Home2021 (Page 197)

February 2021

ONLF's Central Committee emergency meeting held between Jan 20-23 suspended Abdirhman Mahdi (right) and replaced him Rayaale Hamud (left) as interim chairman. Electoral Board has now invalidated the decision. By Bileh Jelan @bilehjelan Addis Abeba, February 17/2021 - Barely two weeks

Sudanese forces patrolling farmland in the contested al-Fashqa corridor. Picture: Screengrab By Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne Addis Abeba, February 17/2021 - Residents who live in the west Gonder areas in Amhara regional state where Sudanese forces have made incursions have expressed their concerns about the border

Bekele Gerba, deputy chairman of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) Photo: Screengrab/EthioForum By Siyanne Mekonnen @siyaanne  Addis Abeba, February 16/2021 - Samuel Bekele, son of Bekele Gerba, who en route to Landamark General Hospital this morning, said security forces have instead transferred his father