Home2023January (Page 16)

January 2023

Minister of Mines & Petroleum Takele Uma Addis Abeba - Ethiopian Ministry of Mines announced that the government is holding consultations with petroleum production companies from Russia, China and the United Arab Emirates over potential partnerships on extracting the country’s gas resources. During a briefing to government

A high school teacher in Kellem Wollega zone ©Addis Standard-screenshot/Archive Addis Abeba - Police have detained more than 20 teachers who raised questions over a government scheme that deducts some amount of money from their salaries, in Lalo Qile district of Kellem Wollegga zone, in Western

FMs Annalena Baerbock and Catherine Colonna with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Photo: PM Abiy Addis Abeba - The Foreign Ministers of Germany and France, Annalena Baerbock and Catherine Colonna, respectively, arrived in Addis Abeba today for two-days official visit during which they "want to explore how