Home2023January (Page 17)

January 2023

Photo: Addis Abeba Mayor's office. Addis Abeba - The Addis Abeba City Administration cabinet has announced new multi-lingual education curriculum by adopting Afaan Oromoo as supplementary language to be taught in all schools in addition to Amharic and English. The curriculum also sees Amharic as additional subject

Undated Picture showing members the OLA fighters. Picture: Social Media By Getahun Legesse @Birmaduu2 Addis Abeba - A government official and residents told Addis Standard that members of the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), a rebel group operating against government forces in Oromia region, and often referred to

AU MVCM team and members of the ENDF displaying list of heavy weapons handed over by the Tigrayan forces . Addis Ababa – The African Union appointed Monitoring, Verification and Compliance Mission (MVCM) team has confirmed launch of the disarmament process of Tigrayan combatants as