Home2023 (Page 141)

March 2023

Addis Abeba - Announcing the release of the 2022 Human Rights Report, the U.S. said it has determined that members of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces, Eritrean Forces and Amhara forces have committed "crimes against humanity" in the Tigray region, whereas all sides have committed "war

Headquarters of the African Union in Addis Abeba. Photo: AU Addis Abeba - Ethiopian members of the national parliament who are elected from Oromia regional state, sent a letter to the African Union suggesting the continental body to "intervene and negotiate to reach an agreement" to

Solomon Soka, member of the House of Representatives for Konso Nation and director general of Information Network Security Administration (INSA), discussing with the state and society representatives. Photo: Konso Zone government communication Addis Abeba: Solomon Soka, member of the House of Representatives for Konso Nation and