Home2023 (Page 156)

March 2023

Logo of Dimtsi Woyane Television and Radio (DW) (Picture: DW) By Mihret G Kristos @MercyG_kirstos Addis Abeba: Several journalists at the TPLF owned Dimtsi Woyane Television and Radio (DW) headquartered in Mekelle, Tigray region, have resigned from their jobs in protest against lack of editorial freedom and bad

Protests are ongoing in several districts of the Guji zone since Tuesday (Photos: Social Media) By Natnael Fite @NatieFit Addis Ababa - At least three civilians were killed, two were injured and several others were arrested in ongoing protests in the Guji zone, Southern Oromia, following the

People injured during the 127th Adwa victory celebrations (Picture: EOTC, Addis Abeba Diocese) By Medihane Ekubamichael @Medihane Addis Abeba – The Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said, security forces have “overreacted” and needlessly beaten people, used tear gas, plastic and lethal bullets, and other excessive measures including