#ASDailyScoop: INSA says cyber attack on GERD, financial institutions foiled

Shumete Gizaw (PhD). Picture: INSA

Addis Abeba – Shumete Gizaw (PhD), Director General of Information Network Security Agency (INSA) said that the Agency as thwarted planned cyber attacks targeting the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and major financial institutions. The failed cyber attacks include attempts to impeded the works of the GERD by targeting 37,000 interlinked computers used by financial institutions, according to him.

Dr. Shumete told state media that an entity that he didn’t name, but says was supported by countries that do not want the peace and growth of Ethiopia, was working to sabotage the successful construction of the GERD by waging a cyber war operation called ‘Black Pyramid War’.

The DG cautioned that cyber attacks against the GERD might increase going forward, and that robust cyber security was being implemented to protect both the construction and administration of works of the mega dam. If cyber attacks targeting financial institutions succeeded, the consequences would be far-reaching for the financial establishments and the whole country, he said and advised financial institutions to put in place all necessary defensive measures against such attacks. AS

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