#ASDailyScoop: Russian Navy delegation witness Ethiopia’s effort to build modern navy

The Russian navy delegation led by Major General Ostrikov viting ethiopia Navy General Directorate Commodore Walatsa Wacha . Picture: FanaBC

Addis Abeba – A Russian navy delegation said that they witnessed Ethiopia was working to build a modern navy that its citizens can be proud of. The delegation said this after visiting Ethiopian Navy General Directorate and met with officials, according to party affiliated FanaBC.

The Russian government has had good diplomatic relations with the Ethiopian government for many years, and the purpose of this visit is part of that cooperation, the delegation said. During the visit, Major General Ostrikov of the Russian navy delegation to Ethiopia said the delegation has witnessed Ethiopia’s efforts to modernize the Ethiopian Navy and build a strong institution for which Ethiopians can be collectively proud of.

In its whole-rounded efforts to build a strong navy and defense capabilities in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia can play its own roles in various fields of training, the delegation said.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Ethiopian Navy, Commodore Walatsa Wacha, on his part told the delegation that works were underway to reorganize the navy unit with trained manpower based on other countries’ navy unit and Ethiopia’s previously existing experience as well as the national mandate given to it which has been approved and put into operation by the Defense Forces.

Citing information obtained from the Defense Ministry, the news portal said that an agreement has been reached with the Russian Federation Navy to work together in various fields of training so that Ethiopia can benefit from its navy unit. AS

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