#ASDailyScoop: William Ruto meets US envoy for the Horn, assures support for peace

Picture: State House Kenya

Addis Abeba – The office of Kenya’s President William Ruto said the President has today received Ambassador Mike Hammer, the US Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa and reassured the envoy of “Kenya’s continued support for peace in the region,” State House Kenya said.

Ambassador Hammer “affirmed US efforts in supporting peace and security particularly in Ethiopia and DRC,” according to State House Kenya. He has also “thanked Kenya for her continued pivotal role in anchoring stability in the region.”

Ambassador Hammer is currently in Kenya as part of his latest tour that includes South Africa and Ethiopia to push for U.S. diplomatic efforts “to achieve an immediate cessation of hostilities in northern Ethiopia and support the launch of African Union-led peace talks.”

While in Nairobi, Ambassador Hammer is also expected to meet with “nternational partners, NGOs, and others involved in regional efforts to build peace and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance to those in need,” according to the US State Department.

His meeting with President Ruto today comes a day after the President returned home from a day-long official visit to Ethiopia, where he met with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

On 13 September, President Ruto has appointed his predecessor Uhuru Kenyatta as his peace envoy for the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa with particular attention to help Kenya’s ongoing efforts to solve the crises in Ethiopia and the DRC. AS

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