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Living off Mother Earth

Dr. Henok Wendirad (DVM)

On 20th – 22nd, June 2012, the UNCSD also known as Rio+20 will take place in Rio de Janeiro.  Rio+20 is a key milestone in a series of major United Nations conferences, in which the 1992 Earth Summit, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, was the pride and joy for its proponents that put sustainable development as a top priority on the agenda of the UN and the international community.

The conference has two themes agreed upon by the member states: Green economy within the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication and Securing Institutional framework for sustainable development.

Dr. Henok Wendirad (DVM) 

On Friday, 11 March 2011 the Japanese coastal city of Tohoku was hit by an earthquake of a 9.0 magnitude with the epicenter approximately 70kms east of the Osheka peninsula of Tohoku.

It was the most powerful known earthquake ever to have hit Japan and one of the five most powerful earthquakes in the world since modern record keeping began in 1900.