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Bahir Dar

During a subsequent house-to-house search, the police found a chunk of the fertilizer unloaded from the vehicle and stored in private homes. Photo: Amhara Agriculture bureau Addis Abeba – Amhara regional state agriculture bureau said the police intercepted a trailer loaded with 400 quintals of fertilizer,

Abate Getahun (PhD) head of Amhara Region Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, and Redevelopment Fund Office (ARRFO) (Photo:Social Media) Abate Getahun (Ph.D.) has had more than two decades of experience in the public sector. Before taking over as director general of the Amhara Region Rehabilitation, Reconstruction, and Redevelopment Fund

Bahir Dar City Administration. Photo: Bahir Dar Communication Bureau By Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12  Addis Abeba, September 23/2021 - Yesterday Bahir Dar city administration announced new restrictive measures, banning carrying of weapons in the city, penalizing businesses who violate new directive and banning military training outside