HomeEthiopia Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Page 7)

Ethiopia Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Copy of a letter sent to all Ethiopia's overseas diplomatic missions. Addis Abeba, July 08/2021 - Addis Standard learned from sources close to the matter that Ethiopia is closing down a number of its diplomatic posts and recalling a number of diplomats from missions that will

The three most trusted allies of PM Abiy Ahmed: Gene. Berhanu, Temesgen Tiruneh & Dmelash G/Michael are the new faces of Ethiopia Security Sector Addis Abeba, November 08/2020 - In an unprecedented move, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has announced today the replacement of the leadership

Right:: Ambassador Shamebo Fitamo. Photo: Ethiopian Diaspora Agency “Addis Standard lies, steals your money, collaborates with Egypt!”, Ambassador Shamebo Fitamo, Foreign Ministry official, said this in bizarre tirade and threatens to sue Addis Standard during an address to Ethiopians residing in Lebanon. According to