HomeEthiopiaAgriculture (Page 11)


Photo: MOYESH program youth partner showing high quality packed table honey produced by her women-only beekeepers’ enterprise. By Tsega Desalegn and Desalegne TadesseGuest contributors Addis Abeba - This is a story of one women-only youth beekeepers’ enterprise in Shenkurta village of Guagusa Shekudad district of the

Hana, a 49-year-old grandmother in Somali region, looks over at the cattle who haven’t survived the 2021/2022 drought. She lost 17 of her cows. Photo: WFP/Michael Tewelde Addis Abeba - In a statement he released late this evening, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that the

By Medihane Ekubamichael @Medihane  Tsega Gebrekidan teaches how the plants can be prepared to be used as a food (Picture: Screengrab) Addis Abeba - Faced with the worst food crisis that many fear has already turning into famine, Tigrayan food experts are adopting creative ways of using common