HomeEthiopiaOppostion PartiesOromo Liberation Army (Page 12)

Oromo Liberation Army

Photo:: Negasaa Deslagen/DW By Addis Standard Staff  Addis Abeba, August 26/2021 - The residents and the zonal administrator of East Wollega Zone in Oromia Region were quoted by BBC Amharic stating that several people had been killed in a series of clashes between militants as well as

OLA identified two Afghani nationals as “Said Hashim and Said Abubaker.”  Addis Abeba, June 17/2021 – The Oromo Liberation Army, OLA, said in a statement that its forces have “detained two Afghani nationals working for Moon Rock Mining and Marble Development PLC in western

Getachew Balcha, Head of Oromia Regional State Communication Affairs Bureau Photo : Oromia Communication Bureau By: Siyanne Mekonnen @siyaanne Addis Abeba, June 2, 2021- The Oromia Regional Government denied the allegations made by the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), as well as residents of